ShareSimple quick-guides: Create a Shared Folder

Create folders to share with other ShareSimple users on your team to share the files you receive with SharSimple. You can create as many shared folders as you like in ShareSimple at no additional cost.

Create a shared folder (you must be a ShareSimple admin):

  1. Open the ShareSimple window in Outlook
  2. Click Admin in the bottom left to open Admin settings in your browser
  3. Go to Folders
  4. Go to Shared Folders

5. Click the button: + New Folder at the top right

6. Name your new folder and click Create

Add users to your new shared folder

Control access to your new folder

  1. Click the ... menu next to the new shared folder
  2. Choose Sharing from the dropdown

  1. Click Manage Sharing at the top right
  2. Click Add User
  3. Select users from the dropdown and click save

Now, the users you added can access the new folder. Remove users at any time from the Manage Sharing screen.

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