ShareSimple folders

ShareSimple has 4 types of folders:

Shared folders

Create folders to share with other ShareSimple users on your team, in your department, etc. You can create as many shared folders as you like to ShareSimple with no additional cost. You might, for example, create a shared folder for each department, for a specific task, or for different categories of personal data you receive with ShareSimple. Then, only share each folder with users who need access to that data.

User folders

Each user you add to ShareSimple will automatically get a folder where the files they receive with ShareSimple are stored securely and available for up to 32 days. Admins can customize the data retention period in their admin settings. Each user can only access their own folder, while admins can view all user folders.


Create a TrustedLink and get a link to a private, encrypted folder you can make available as a secure upload point for personal information. Share the link on your website or email signature to make it easy for anyone to send you data safely, at any time. Admins decide who can access the data uploaded to each TrustedLink. Creating a TrustedLink folder adds an additional cost to your ShareSimple subscription.


A DataRoom is a private, encrypted folder you can share with anyone who has a Microsoft account, whether they use ShareSimple or not. Use DataRooms to collaborate with clients, colleagues, and others with the peace of mind that the confidential data you share there is protected. Data stays in the data room until you delete it. Creating a DataRoom adds an additional cost to your ShareSimple subscription.

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